'' A government of, by, and for the people requires that people talk to people, that we can agree to disagree but do so in civility. If we let politicians and those who report dictate our discourse, then our course will be dictated'' – Donna Brazile.
Someone has very truly said that cavalry cannot go to a battle with wet powders and blank shells if you want to win the battle. It's your incorrigible cornerstone that decides your winning and losing. Similarly, you cannot run the world's largest democracy without having a firm foundation. A system will collapse or flourish depends on its foundation. Public discourse is one of those foundations of Indian democracy which paves the way towards its effective functioning. Better dialogues improve the quality of public policies which further strengthen our democracy.
Today everyone is well aware of the current scenario of public discourse in India. It is worsening day by day and reasons are multiple, you cannot blame a soul organization or any media house or any particular individuals. It's a collective fault, we have entirely changed the meaning of public discourse in India.
Talking about its meaning, public discourse means statements, speeches, dialogues, and deliberations which leads towards public good and their betterments.
Well, it seems quite dichotomous when we contemplate over its meaning as in India, public discourse is like doing voice lynching without any outcome. It's breaking all the limits of decency and civility and gradually lowering its standards.
When we talk about democracy in India the first thing that flashes out in our minds is politics and those who run it i.e politicians. The reason being is democracy is a two-fold process for the people and politicians. We all understand and respect the role of politicians in our gigantic democracy. It's a politician who makes policies and laws for the upliftment and betterment of the people. We elect them because we think that they will act as the face for our problem and will try to represent the issue over a national podium, and will consequently resolve them. No doubt, many of them do the same but, at what cost? we all know, by raising personal attacks over other politicians, by doing ad-hominem criticism.
Many renowned philosophers reiterated that ad- hominem criticism is not at all considered as good public behaviour. Instead of criticizing the person or any individual, criticize their policies, their decisions, or their impact which will in return definitely prove to be a symbiotic critic.
Our criticism should be such which can throw photons on what matters to all of us. But, in India the kind of words that are being used in public discourse by certain people or politicians is something that needs a deep contemplation, the reality is they just don't care about whatever they are saying. Maybe the ordinary person is enjoying those kinds of words but is this a sign of a civilized society?
This is not only confined to informal gatherings, you all are well acquainted with the discussion debate that goes inside the walls of the parliament house. I'm still in wonder how the speaker manages them. They gather inside the house for having a fruitful debate but what they do is only create chaos.
We all understand that being in parliament gives you the whooping privilege to talk about any national issue in any manner, but being in a privileged state doesn't mean that every individual has to speak all the time. Marking your attendance in every single debate is not required. The main purpose behind the parliamentary debate is not to weaken or criticize the administration or any party but to strengthen it by investing it with more meaningful parliamentary support. So, its time to take a break and introspect the very essence of a fruitful public discourse, that throwing negative words on the opposition party doesn't make you a leader, it's your attitude towards the issue that makes you a leader.
Its never too late if your intentions are aligned towards the upliftment of the society. let's make this public discourse a more symbiotic one for both the speaker and the listener which will eventually help our nation to propel towards a trajectory akin to those of a more civilized and developed one.
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